Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Homework for 6-05-14

Class: 1B
Subject: Hindi
Write and Practice all the letters done and learn counting in Hindi 1-10

Subject: English
Complete the given worksheet

Subject: Math
Assessment on numbers (1-100) on 11-5-14

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
Solve the worksheet from file Page no-27 (Complete the Puzzle)
Solve worksheet no -30, 31, and 32

Subject: English
Arrange the given words in alphabetical order.
taxi, motorbike, van, bus, people

Subject: EVS
Learn the following spellings and their age group.
            Infant –    04 months to  1 year
            Toddler -   1 –  3 years
            Child    -     4 – 10 years

Subject: Hindi
Complete Page no 22 and 23 of Book -2 - Shabd Gyan.

Class: 3B
Subject: Math
From the Worksheet file, Solve Page no-32, 33 (Expanded form)
Using tangram pieces  to prepare the shape of an object.
Eg: cat, house or duck in your note book.

Subject: Social Studies
Revise  the following spellings learnt in the class. Dictation on Sunday
·        Sty
·        Conjunctivitis
·        Squint
·        Ophthalmologist
·        Pediatric ophthalmologist
·        Optician
·        Myopia
·        Hypermetropia
·        Optometrists

Subject: Hindi
Go through the given website - Animal Names 

Subject: English
With the help of questions and pictures on Page no-17 and  given cut outs,
frame  a Story.   Using  Beginning – Middle - End as given in the page.

Subject: Science
Complete the worksheets being sent and submit on 11-5-14.

المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: الأنشطة الموجودة بالصفحات التالية : 103_104_107_106

المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: 1. أكتب الجملة التالية على الدفتر :
" أكتشفت اليدُ اليمنَى أنهّا عاجزةٌ عن القيامِ بأعمال كثيرةِ دون مُسَاعَدَةِ أخُتْهَا اليُسْرىِ ، فَنَدِمَتْ على ماصَدَرَ عَنْهَا وقَرّرَتْ مُصَالَحَتَهَا " .
2. أضع الكلمات التالية في جمل وأكتبها على الدفتر : وئَامٌ _ نَشَبَتْ _ زَاهِيَةٌ _ شَعْرُهَا مُسْدَلٌ عَلَى كَتِفَيْهَا .
3. أقوم بالنشاط "ب" و "ج" صفحة 123 في الكتاب .