Monday 30 May 2016

Homework for grade 4B on 30-05-16, Monday

Learn the following words for dictation on Tuesday, 31-5-2016
·        Movable
·        Immovable
·        Joint
·        Pivot
·        Hinge
·        Ball and socket
·        Movement
·        Stirrup

The Kidneys:

·        Our body has two bean shaped organs called the Kidneys.
·        They work like filters and remove extra water, salts and urea from the blood.
·        They are brown in colour.
·        They are located in the lower abdomen, on the either side of the back bone.
·        Our kidneys purify the blood.
·        If one kidney stops working, the other can continue to work.
·        The kidneys are made up of thousands of tiny filters called nephrons.

Function of kidney

The impurities or the wastes that are present in the blood are filtered by the kidneys and given out in form of urine.

Study the Name of the colours in Hindi, written in the notebook for a review on 31-5-16