Tuesday 23 August 2016

Homework for 2 B on 23/08/16


Q. Read the passage from the student anthology book and answer the following questions in your English notebook.

Passage- (pg no. 12 to 15) Roberto climbed up into the tree……. But he didn’t need an answer.
1)   What did Roberto feel like when he climbed on the tree?
2)   What was the name of the Jaguar King?
3)   What was the name of the cat?
4)   Who was searching for the cat?
Submit the same in your English notebook on Wednesday, 24/8/2016.


Solve the following questions in your maths note book and   submit the same on 24/8/16, Wednesday.
a)       538         b)  457       c)  445                  d)  567
+ 415           + 634        + 136                    + 324