Wednesday 31 August 2016

Homework for 3 B on 31/08/2016


 Note down the following in your Science notebook  and submit the same on Thursday 1st September 2016.

Beak Structures

Birds of prey: They have tearing beaks. Their beaks are strong, sharp and hooked to tear flesh of other animals. Examples: Eagle, Vulture, Hawk.

Perching birds: They have strong, short and hard beaks to crack open their food. Examples: Sparrow, pigeon, crow.

Wading birds: They have long, flat and broad beaks with holes to eat fish and insects from muddy water. Examples: Crane, Pelican, Spoonbills, flamingo

Learn Question-Answers of Lesson- 5 written in Hindi notebook for a review on 01.09.16, Thursday.