Wednesday 31 August 2016

Homework for 4 B on 31/08/2016


I.            Note down the following in your science note book.
II.          Draw the life cycle of a butterfly in your Science note book as per the activity done in class. For reference - pg: 3 of the student’s manual. Submit the same on Sunday, 04/09/16.
III.       Study the same for an oral review on the following week.

Life cycle of a butterfly

Butterflies have four life stages
They look very different at each stage.
1.    Eggs
2.   Caterpillar
3.   Chrysalis
4.   Adult butterfly

1.   Tiny eggs are laid by the female butterfly on a leaf.
The eggs hatch and tiny worm like creatures come out called larvae.

2.   The Larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar.
It is the primary eating and growing stage of the insect.

3.   It then enters the third stage called the pupa.
The pupa of a butterfly is called a chrysalis.
 This is the resting or the transformation state.

4.   From the pupa emerges the butterfly.
     It lays eggs and the life cycle begins all over again.

pupa (plural: pupae)

                Larva (plural: larvae)


Learn synonyms written in Hindi notebook for a review on 01.09.16, Thursday.