Monday 22 August 2016

Homework for 4 B on 22/08/2016

Note down the following in your science note book and submit  on the following day. Study the underlined spellings for a dictation on Thursday (25/8/16).

Holozoic mode of nutrition - Mode of nutrition that involves the intake of liquid or solid organic material.

Exhibited by- Most of the free living animals, humans.

Stages of holozoic nutrition

 (Ingestion)- Food taken into the body through an opening called a mouth

 (Digestion)-Conversion into a simple and soluble form by various enzymes

(Absorption)   -Simplified products formed are then absorbed into the tissues.

(Assimilation) - Conversion of nutrient into the fluid or solid substance of the body

(Egestion) - Removal of undigested part of food from the body.

Parasitic mode of nutrition- Mode of nutrition that obtains some or all of its nutrition from another plant or animal.
Parasitic plants: Pitcher plant , Venus flytrap.
Parasites: Lice, mosquitoes

Saprophytic  mode of nutrition- Mode of nutrition that obtain nutrients from dead organic matter .They live on dead or decomposing matter. Saprophytes- Organisms that exhibit saprophytic mode of nutrition.

Fungi- moulds and mushrooms.

 Learn fill in the blanks of Lesson- 5 given on page no.30 of the textbook for a review on 23.8.16, Tuesday.