Tuesday 11 April 2017

Homework for 3 B on 11/04/2017.


Do exercise ‘A’ on page no. 51 of your workbook and submit on 12/04/17.


Draw the phases of moon in an A4 Sheet and submit the same on 13/4/2017.

Continue these notes in your S.St. notebook and submit on 12/4/2017

Q. What are seasonal clothes?

A. People wear different clothes in different seasons. Therefore, they are called seasonal clothes.
·        We wear cotton clothes in summer which are light in colour. It keeps us cool.
·        We wear dark woollen clothes in winter, so that they can store more heat, which keeps us warm.
·        In rainy season we wear raincoats, which are made of plastics and protect us from rain.

Q. What type of food should we eat according to different seasons?


Type of food

1.   Spring
2.   Summer
3.   Autumn
4.   Winter

a.   tender and leafy vegetables

b.   fruits and vegetables that keep the body cool                ( watermelon, cucumber)
c.   sour foods like pineapple, apple and lemon
d.   high protein foods like dates, mushrooms, nuts, etc.