Sunday 25 March 2018

Homework for Grade 2 as on 25/03/2018

Subject: English

Follow the link below and enjoy making origami and bring it on 28/3/18

Subject: Math

Copy and solve the following question in your Math CW and submit the same on Monday 26th March 2018.

Q1. Use coloured pencils to draw the following lines.
a. Blue 12cm
b. Green 5cm
c. Red 8cm
d. Purple 10cm
e. Pink 6cm

Note: Dear Parents Kindly send thread or string for an activity to be conducted in the class tomorrow.
9B: String measures
Pg no.126

Subject: Hindi

संयुक्त   व्यंजन  शब्द
Write each word twice in your notebook and submit the same tomorrow.
 बच्चा  , सच्चा पक्का  मक्की , उत्तर , पत्ता ,
  बिल्ली , अम्मा अच्छा  , बस्ता  , गुब्बारे  , रस्सी ,

Subject: Urdu

Complete “ Mera Pakistan” question answer and submit the same tomorrow.