Sunday 25 March 2018

Homework for Grade 4 as on 25/03/2018

Subject: English
Do the following in your homework notebook and submit the same on 26-03-18, Monday.
Complete the sentences with present perfect tense.

1.   I ____________________ (finish) the job.

2.   She __________ (eat) the lunch.

3.   Ahmed_______________ (read) all the plays of Shakespeare.

4.   Tom and Jack ______________ (complete) the computer course.

5.   The students ________________ (decide) to clean the classroom.

Subject: Math
Solve the worksheet given in the class and submit it on Monday, 26/03/18.

Subject: Hindi

काल- Tense
Write the 2 sentences  each using the following tense.
past tense, present tense, future tense
(refer page no 64 in your grammar book)
भूतकाल , वर्तमान काल , और भविष्यतकाल
प्रत्येक  काल से  [] दो - दो     वाक्य  लिखिए I

Subject: Urdu

 Complete page num 68-  “wahid + jma”