Tuesday 27 March 2018

Homework for Grade 5 as on 27/03/2018

Subject: Hindi
बड़े  होकर आप क्या करना चाहते  हो ?   पाँच  वाक्यों  का अनुच्छेद  लिखिए
Write 5 sentences on the given topic in Hindi and submit the same tomorrow.

 Topic: What would you like to do in future?

Subject: English
Read the story given on pg.no.188 of the student book and answer the questions. Submit the same on Wednesday (28-3-2018)

Subject: Math
Solve the following in your Math HW book and submit it on Wednesday, 28/03/18.

 Subject: Urdu
Complete  page num 71 “jumly bnye” and submit the same tomorrow.