Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Homework for Grade 2 as on 24/10/2018

Subject: Science
Lesson-Day and Night
Write the answers for questions in the textbook pages 74 and 75 (to be completed by 28th Oct, Sunday).

Subject: Hindi
.सही  शब्द चुनकर वाक्य पूरा  करो – Write the given fill in the blanks  in your home work book
    बाहर , लिपट , कूदा , नटखट
  . झपटू ---------- था .
.  झपटू खाट पर ----------.
. झपटू पर ऊन -------------- गई .
. झपटू -----------  निकल आया .

Subject: French
Children are requested to practice writing the (French dialogue in order) question no.5 from the textbook, page no.14 in the notebook.

Subject: Urdu

اپنا نام لکھنے کی مشق کاپی میں کیجیے