Tuesday 18 October 2016

Homework for 4 B on 18/10/16.

Convert the following sentences into indirect speech in your grammar notebook and submit on 19/10/16, Wednesday.

1.   Rahim said, “ I am a football player”.
2.   The teacher said, “ I am teaching English “.
3.   My mother said, “ I am cooking for you”.
4.   Tom said, “ I like chocolates”.
5.   Harry said, “ I sing songs”.

Use the multiplication facts to find the missing numbers in the division sentences.
(a) 9x4=36     36÷9=     36÷4=
(b) 10x8=      80÷10=    80÷8=
(c) 6x7=42     42÷6=      42÷7=

Note down the following in your SST notebook and submit the same on 19/10/2016, Wednesday.

1. What is a habitat?
Ans: The place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows.

2. What is animal husbandry?
Ans: The practice of breeding and raising domestic animals for milk, meat, egg etc.. is called animal husbandry.

3. What is  domestic animals?
Ans: An animal that is not wild and is kept as a pet or to produce food.


     a. Milk giving animals - cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep etc.
     b. Draught Animals - Bullock, horse, donkey, mule, camel, elephant, yak etc. are used for carrying load.
     c. Fibre, hide and skin yielding animals - sheep, goat, cattle, buffalo, camel, etc.
     d. Meat and egg yielding animals - fowl (hen), duck, goat, buffalo, pig, etc.

4. What is ecosystem?
Ans: An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment (things like air, water and mineral soil), interacting as a system.