Sunday 23 October 2016

Homework for 4 B on 23/10/16.


Convert the following sentences into indirect speech in your grammar notebook and submit on 24/10/16, Tuesday.
1.   Rahim said, “ I have written a poem”.
2.   The teacher said, “ Don’t disturb others “.
3.   My mother said, “ I will bring chocolates for you”.
4.   Tom said, “ You must come on time”.
5.   Harry said, “ I sang songs”.

Solve the word problems in your notebook and submit the same on 24/10/16, Monday.
(1) Sal has 450 books. She puts an equal amount  of books into ten shelves.  How many books on each shelf?
(2) A group  of 29 students wants to put them into two equal lines to play a game. Is this possible? Explain your answer.


Cross check if your notes are complete and revise the lesson ‘Food Chain’ for a review on 25/10/2016, Wednesday.