Monday, 13 March 2017

Homework for 3 B on 13/03/2017


Solve the following in your math notebook (ensure proper statements are framed while solving)  and submit the same on 14.3.2017, Tuesday.

1)   For Andy‛s party 5 kg 235 g ice cubes were bought on the first day and 6 kg 352 g on second day and 4 kg 760 g on the third day. Find the total quantity of ice bought in three days.

2)   1 box of chocolate weighed 2 kg 470 g, a box of candies weighed 1 kg 150 gm and a packet of lollipops weighed 3 kg 60 gm. Find the total weight of the three boxes.

3)   Two jars contain 20 l 560 ml and 30 l 350 ml water respectively. Find the total quantity of water in both the jars.

Kindly draw borders for the next 3 pages in the math notebook.


Revise Lesson-15 for an oral review on 14.3.17, Tuesday.


كتابة المشهد الرابع والخامس بالدفتر من درس (أي العشين أقوى write fourth and fifth dialogue in note book.


Complete exercise on page no. 28 in Urdu text book.