Monday, 6 March 2017

Homework for 1 B and D on 06/03/2017


Circle and Colour the adjectives in the following sentences. Write the answers in your English note book and submit on 8/3/17.

1)   I bought a blue sari
2)   He has a hard voice.
3)   They had a nice time.
4)   He is an excellent student.
5)   It is a superb story.


Learn the properties of water and air for review on 7/3/17.

Properties of water
·        Water is colourless
·        Water is taste less
·        Water is shape less
·        Water can exist in three different states
Ø Solid state – ice
Ø Liquid state – water
Ø Gaseous state – vapor/steam

Properties of Air
·        Air is a mixture of all gases.
·        Air is needed for breathing.
·        Air is needed for burning.
·        Air occupies space.
·        Air has weight.
·        Air can move things.


Revise two letter words given on page no. 72 of the textbook for a review on 7.3.17, Tuesday.


Complete the exercises on page number 52 in Urdu Textbook and submit on Tuesday 07/03/17.


حل الواجب بالكتاب صفحة29/in book page 29