Monday, 6 March 2017

Homework for 2 B on 06/03/2017


Identify the tense of the following sentences. Write the sentences and their answers in your English grammar notebook and submit on 8/3/17.

1)   She knows French.
2)   We are going to Darjeeling.
3)   Dogs are running after him.
4)   Children  learn English.
5)   Raheed cooks  dinner.


Do the following in an A4 sheet. Submit the same on 7/3/2017.


Revise Q no. 2 (Complete the word) of Lesson- 13 given on page no 77 of the textbook for a review on 7.3.17, Tuesday.


Learn Q1 and Q2 of lesson
شیرآیا،شیرآیا for a review on 7-3-17 Tuesday.


حل الواجب بالدفتر